Hampden Gurney School MassTest

Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 10:10

The theme this week is Service.

In the church's liturgical calendar 2 February is the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Jesus undergoes traditional Jewish rituals 40 days after his birth.

As the church observes the birth of Christ on 25 December so it follows that 2 February is the Presentation although in line with many churches today the Annunciation observes this feast on the Sunday before. This year the Annunciation keeps it on 1 February.

When Christ is taken to the Temple two elderly worshippers, Anna and Simeon greet the Christ child. Simeon calls him 'a light to lioghten the gentiles'.

We serve others by sharing and showing the light of God.

Liturgy Details
First Lesson: 2 Corinthians 4. 5-6
Gospel: Luke 2. 22-40

Role People
Fr Gerald

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