Church of the Annunciation, Marble Arch, London
If you are reading this page then you are either thinking about coming to the Annunciation or have been to services and would like to know more about becoming part of the community here. Firstly, we are very grateful for your interest in our church and we want to make you feel as welcome as possible in our community. It always helps if we can have your name and contact details, so we can introduce you to key aspects of the life of the parish. Do please complete and print the Newcomers Form which is downloadable from this page, and - when you are next in church - please hand it to Fr Lincoln, as it helps him to connect a face to a name.
Your details will be recorded on the parish data base and you will then receive a welcome email from Fr Lincoln who will seek to answer any of your questions about our church life. Once you have been worshipping at the Annunciation for six months you are eligible to join the parish Electoral Roll. This is not the same as the local authority register. Church Electoral Rolls record the names and addresses of the committed members of the congregation. Being on the Electoral Roll is important if you wish to be married at the Annunciation, or:
- you are applying for a place at a church school
- you wish to take part in the voting at the Annual Parish Meeting which is held after Easter each year.
The Annunciation also encourages everyone who becomes a member of the parish to make a financial commitment. Please see more about this on the page marked 'Giving'. Thank you.