
Sidesmen greet people as they arrive at church, give out information and organise the offertory. The offertory consists of asking two people to take the bread and water to the sanctuary at the appropriate moment and organsing the money collection.

Detailed Instructions

Please arrive by 10.10am.

Ensure that the fire & smoke alarm is turned to the ‘Off’ position.

Give out service sheets and answer questions as people arrive.

Encourage newcomers to fill in a contact details card and leave them at the back of the church.

Please stay at the back of the church throughout the service and especially assist any latecomers.

Ask two or three people to take up the bread and the wine at the Offertory. Show them the instruction card. (Please ensure that this is left at the back of the church after the end of the service.) Ask them to come to come to the back of the church and receive the bread and the wine as soon as the priest has said ‘The Peace of the Lord be always with you.’ They should then take the bread and wine, follow the cross and lights up the aisle and give them to the servers. After this they should bow and return to their places via the Lady Chapel.

At the Offertory

Take the offertory plates and follow the servers and those taking the bread and the wine up the aisle and begin taking the collection from the front.

Having collected the offertory money process up the aisle through the screen to the chancel step. Give the offertory to the server. The priest may bless the money or he may not. As soon as the server has taken the offertory and moves to the north side, bow and return to your places via the Lady Chapel.

Please help tidy up the back of the church after the service.

Thank you for taking part in this valued ministry.


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