
The Sidesmen arrive at least 30 minutes before the service, greet people as they arrive at church, give out information and organise the offertory – taking the collection and bring the bread and wine to the altar in preparation for the Liturgy of the Sacrament. They also tidy up the church chairs, hymnals and service guides following mass.

Emily Barnes Hannan
Reader, Sidesman, Sunday School Crafts Coordinator
Ms Christina Botelho
Reader, Sidesman, Sunday School Session Leader
Mr David De Kervern
Deanery Synod Representative, PCC Elected/Co-opted Member, Reader, Sidesman
Mr Ken Goldsbrough
Reader, Sidesman
8+ Group
Rev Bob Jones
Reader, Sidesman
Mr Simon Mee
Reader, Sidesman
Mr Michael Mohammed
Churchwarden, Key Holder, Keyholder, PCC Elected/Co-opted Member, Reader, Sidesman
Mr Lee Sungwah Wu
PCC Elected/Co-opted Member, Reader, Sidesman

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